
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Women Fight for Equality

1. Experiences in the workplace
they weren't paid as much as men in their position and they were never promoted into management positions and this angered many women.
2. Experiences in social activism
They usually had to answer to men in civil rights groups and their opinions were rarely listened to.
3. "Consciousness raising"
These sessions showed women that they weren't alone in their battle for civil liberties and that many other women thought as they did.
4. Feminism
The idea of women should have the same economic, social, and political rights as men.
5. Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique
This book caputered the feelings of most women on the subject of civil liberties and talked about how women should be equal with men.
6. Civil Rights Act of 1964
the EDCC created by this act didn't listen to many of the complaints women filed and the women wanted to change this.
7. National Organization for Women (NOW)
A group of Women's rights activist that wanted social change to happen now. Also they pressured the EDCC to change their rulings on female cases to ban sex-discrimination from jobs and employers.
8. Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine
She helped create Ms. Magazine which adressed the issues many women were facing and talked about women's rights.
9. Congress
passed a ban on discriminating women from higher education.
10. Supreme Court
Said it was legal for a woman to choose to have an abortion within the first 3 months of her pregnancy. This issue still divides American today.
11. The Equal rights Amendment would have guaranteed equal rights under the law, regardless of gender. Who opposed this amendment? Why?
Conservatives and religious groups opposed the Amendment because they thought that it would destroy the laws that protect women, allow gay marriage, destroy men's responcibility, and that the feminists had marriage, men, and tranditional ideals.

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