
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Watergate: Nixon's Downfall

1. How ere the "plumbers" connected to President Nixon?
They were the people who Nixon had get dirt on other people to have them shut up so they don't tell any secrets about Nixon's involvement in watergate.
2. Who was the judge? Why did he hand out maximum sentences?
John Sirica was the judge and he
3. How were Mitchell and Dean connected to Nixon?
They were two of his closest advisors.
4. How were Haldeman and Erlichman connected to Nixon?
They were also two of the presidents closest advisors.
5. What did the following men tell the Senate about Nixon?

a. Dean
He said that Nixon was deeply involved in the cover-up.
b. Butterfield
He told the senate about the tapes Nixon had in his office or the watergate tapes.
6. Who was fired or forced to resign in the "massacre"?
Archibald Cox was fired. Attorney General Richardson resigned. The Deputy Attorney General was fired.
7. Why weren't investigators satisified with the transcripts?
They were edited and Nixon probably took out all the good stuff that indicated him in the crime.
8. What did the tapes reveal?
It proved Nixon not only knew about the cover-up and the original crime but that he planned to obstruct the official F.B.I. investigation.
9. Why did Vice President Spiro Agnew resign?
He accepted bribes while governor of Maryland from an Engineering firm.
10. What did the House Judiciary Committee charge President Nixon with?
Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Contempt of Congress for refusing to give them the unfettered tapes.
11. How did the Watergate scandal create a constitutional crisis?

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