
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Terms of chapter 14-3

Andrew Carnegie was a poor scotish person who became a railroad tycoon. He basically cornered the market for steel by owning all the supplies and some of his competition. He took advantage of the poor people by paying them little.
Social Darwinism was the theory that rich people would succed and poor people would fail. This theory explained why the rich thought they could take advantage of the poor.
John D. Rockefeller was the owner of the Standard Oil Company merged with other companies instead of buying them out and giving them some profits. He also payed his workers little.
Sherman Antitrust Act was a law that made it illegal to form a trust between companies and states to keep things fair. It was poorly enforced.
Samuel Gompers was a cigar maker who led the Cigar Makers' International Union to combine with other unions of crafts.
American Federation of Labor (AFL) was a labor union that concentrated on making agreements between workers and managment of the companies. They used stikes as a tactic.
Eugene V. Debs tried to form a union for railroad workers called the American Railway Union.
Industrial Workers of the World was a labor union for industrial workers and accepted African-Americans.
Mary Harris Jones was a woman who tried to help women get equal pay and for child labor to cease. Her protests helped create the child labor laws.

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