
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Expansion of Industry

What were the three major factors that contributed to the immense technological boom that took place in the United States after the Civil War? Explain how two of these factors helped to bring about this technological boom.

The three major factors were a lot of natural resources like oil, coal and iron, government support for business, and a urban population that was growing so it supplied cheap labor and since there was more people there was a bigger market. The natural resources made it easier to travel with coal powered steam engines, the iron was used to make steal to build more realiable things, and the oil was used to make kerosine for lamps. The growing population supplied cheap labor whihc made thing easier because the more people the more products you can make. They worked with the inventions of the late 1800's like the typewriter to do business more quiclky and efficently.

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