
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dropping the Atomic Bomb

1. What factors have affected viewpoints on Truman's decision?
The fact that the invasion of the Japanese homeland would have cost many American soliders their lives. Also that Japan would fight to the end and never surrender. Saved many lifes.
2. Do you think he made the right decision? Give your reasons.
Yes, Truman's decision to drop the atomic bombs was the right one to make. This was for a few different reasosn. The first is that the casualty rate predicted for the invasion of the Japanese was extremely high. The second is that the Japanese people were fanatics. They thought their emperor was a god and they were willing to die for him. This included everyone from the small boys and girls, the middle age men and women, and the elderly. Anyone who could fight and die would do so. This made dropping the atmoic bomb a more humane decision and saved many lives in the end.

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