
Friday, January 29, 2010

Causes of the Great Depression Outline

Thesis: The Wall Street Crash wasn't a cuase of the Great Depression it is an effect of it. The Main cause of the Great Depression were the crisis in farming, Overproduction in industry, the tariffs on trade.

Main Point 1: Crisis in Farming
a. After World War 1 the amount of crops bought and needed went down. b. Then the farmer bought more land and equipment on credit and planted more crops. c. Then the farmers when the price kept dropping they lost a lot more money and their farms were foreclosed on.

Main Point 2: Overproduction in industry
a. After World War 1 the need for war tinme materials like steel and coal went down and those prices droped. When the econmy worsened the companies started laying people off. Then when no one could buy the goods even other countries the companies collapsed.

Main Point 3: Tariffs on trade
a. After World War 1 the European economies were failing. They were putting up tariffs to sell their own goods instead of importing other countries' goods. America did this also. When the German economy dried up they couldn't pay France and Britian any longer and therefore Britian and France couldn't pay the U.S. Then when compaines couldn't export their goods to other countries they collapsed.

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