
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The U.S. enters World War I

1. How did the United States raise an army?
The U.S make the Selective Service Act which helped make the draft. The draft drafted men of 18 years or older into the military during times of war.

2. How did U.S. soldiers help win the war?
The American soliders helped keep the Germans out of Paris. They also helped put the Germans on the defensive.

3. What were the estimated economic costs of the war?
About $338 billion.

4. What did the war cost in terms of the number of civilian deaths; military deaths?; injuries?; and refugees?
About 22 million total deaths. Over half of them were civilian causualties. 20 million were wounded. 10 million becamse refugees.

5. Define armistice.
An armistice is a tempoary cease fire that ends the fighting but doesn't end the war.

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